Simulation Engineering: Build Better Embedded Systems Faster

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Simulation engineers seem to happen...rather than according to a plan. They build a model to solve a problem of theirs one day, and pretty soon other people are bringing them their problems to build models for.

This book is good for those of us who have followed that path. It links together those pieces that seem to float free in our knowledge bases, and helps to define the overall picture of doing a simulation and the topics that need to be addressed at a fundamental level when building a complex simulation.

If you want a beginning book...this ain't it. But if you have the need...then this is a good book to start with.

Simulation Engineering: Build Better Embedded Systems Faster Overview

Build complex embedded systems faster and with lower costs by: * Knowing when and how much simulation testing is appropriate * Applying engineering methods to simulation design and development * Using the best tools available to develop simulations. * Va

Learn when and how to use simulation methods. The range of important techniques are presented, beginning with the fundamentals of mathematical models and progressing through producing useful results, analyzing the data and validating the models. Each chapter provides step-by-step instructions for developing a working simulation.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 03, 2010 12:10:06

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